Who We Are

CheckCarbonFact is a social accountability platform for promoting sustainability and responsible climate action by citizens, businesses and government.


Our Vision

Our vision is a world where today’s actions inspire a green, serene, and resource-secure tomorrow for future generations.

Our Mission

Our mission is to foster the adoption of sustainability practices and inclusive and equitable climate action by everybody everywhere.


Our motivation: Climate Change is why we do what we do

Climate change is an existential issue that science and policymakers worldwide agree on. It is also urgent, given that 2020 to 2030 is regarded as the most crucial and decisive for the planet’s survival. Decisions and actions taken by government, businesses, and citizens within this period can determine whether or not Mother Earth tips over the cliff of the climate’s tipping point.

Climate change results from increased earth warming due to excessive trapping of greenhouse gases (GHG) in the troposphere, especially carbon, nitroxide, and methane. While science acknowledges that some of the increase in GHG is natural, most of it has been attributed to human activity like burning fossil fuels, agricultural practices, manufacturing and production, transportation, and even consumption patterns. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) provides a concise explanation of this in its 2021 Summary for Policy Makers (SPM), saying: “It is unequivocal that human influence has warmed the atmosphere, ocean and land. Widespread and rapid changes in the atmosphere, ocean cryosphere and biosphere have occurred.”

Climate Change: Bringing the message home

The UK, Europe and the rest of the world are witnessing unprecedented weather events like heatwaves, wildfires, and flooding. The consequences are multifaceted, multidimensional, and crosscutting, impacting race, geographical boundaries, gender, demography, etc. For example, between May and September 2022, more than 61,000 people died across Europe due to heat waves. According to the World Health Organisation (WHO), heat-related mortality among people over the age of 65 nearly doubled in the past two decades, with Europe accounting for more than 30%. In 2023, the UK had to battle excessive rainfall and flooding, with the Met Office issuing tens of flood warnings while 1,250 homes in England were affected by heavy rainfall amidst substantial breaches in rivers in Yorkshire, the Humber, and the East Midlands. Evacuations were reported in Derby as Storm Babet left around 4,000 people across the UK without power. Climate change could push an additional 68 to 135 million people into extreme poverty worldwide, even as it threatens to reverse the advancements made in development, global health, and poverty reduction over the past 50 years.

Climate Change: What we all need to do now

Now that we know that our behavioural patterns, investment decisions, corporate culture, production, lifestyle and consumption practices and choices, and many other factors impact the climate daily and either exacerbate or curtail climate change, what should we do? As citizens, businesses, communities and government, these come down to our choices of diets, shelter, transportation, fashion, occupation, and much more. The current reality is that we are all faced with rapidly changing systems and transformations in society and how we live. This is the inevitable Energy Transition – mankind’s most significant response to climate change.

Let's Connect

We would like to learn about your sustainability efforts to save our planet. New to climate change issues? No worries, as we are happy to help you start off on the path to a sustainable future or upscale your current efforts. Why not get in touch via email: hello@checkcarbonfact.com

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