Climate Tech and Cleantech? What’s the Difference?
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Climate Tech and Cleantech? What’s the Difference?

In recent years, the urgency of addressing environmental challenges has prompted the rise of innovative solutions aimed at mitigating the impacts of climate change. Phrases like “Climate Tech” and “Cleantech” have become increasingly common, often used interchangeably.

However, these terms represent distinct sectors within the broader realm of sustainability technology. Understanding the differences between Climate Tech and Cleantech is crucial for grasping the diverse approaches to combating climate change.

Defining Cleantech

The term “cleantech” originated in the late 1990s and became popular in the early 2000s. Initially, it was coined to describe a category of new technologies for investors in the American financial sector. Cleantech, at its core, refers to any technology that contributes to reducing environmental damage from existing technologies or improving the environmental quality of polluted natural resources. This broad category includes environmentally friendly alternatives to current technologies and supportive technologies that help existing ones minimize their environmental impact.

Cleantech initiatives extend to various industries, including transportation, energy, manufacturing, and mining, aiming to address air, water, and soil pollution traditionally associated with these sectors. For example, cleantech plays a crucial role in decarbonizing heavy industries through innovations like clean chemistry, clean coal, clean mining, and green steel production.

How Important was Cleantech?

There is a huge economic benefit in the cleantech sector. The cleantech sector has witnessed significant growth, with investments soaring to $66.3 billion in 2021, a 50% increase from 2020. European and Asia Pacific-based companies contributed over 50% to this total investment, reflecting a global demand for environmentally friendly technologies.

One key driver behind the surge in cleantech investments is the integration of “smart” technologies like the Internet of Things (IoT), machine learning, and artificial intelligence. These technologies optimize processes, enhance resource management, and contribute to the sector’s overall success.

However, the impact of cleantech extends beyond financial profit. The sector has become a major source of employment, with 3.4 million workers engaged in cleantech jobs globally in 2020.

Cleantech’s importance also lies in its ability to address critical environmental challenges outlined by the Stockholm Resilience Centre, known as “planetary boundaries.” By developing innovative solutions, cleantech contributes to mitigating risks associated with climate change, environmental pollution, nutrient overloads, land use change, and other planetary boundaries.

What Sectors Does Cleantech Exist in?

The diversity of cleantech sectors is evident in its applications across various industries. In the energy sector, cleantech solutions, including wind turbines, solar panels, hydroelectric power, and geothermal energy, are rapidly replacing traditional fossil fuel sources. The development of technologies supporting grid stability, battery storage, and decentralized micro-grids further enhances the sector’s impact.

Recycling, another critical facet of cleantech, addresses the challenges posed by waste streams. Despite setbacks such as China’s ban on mixed plastic shipments, innovators see opportunities in recycling. Some companies are pioneering processes to recycle materials that traditionally had no means of recycling, contributing to the transition to a circular economic model.

Clean water is another important realm where cleantech is critical. The global issue of water pollution poses a significant threat by limiting the availability of freshwater resources. Employing technologies for wastewater treatment and filtration can aid cities, industries, and communities in ensuring a more abundant supply of clean freshwater. To combat polluted water, industries can adopt strategies to minimize water usage from the outset. Because some of the most severe forms of water pollution arise from nutrient disruptions and toxic algal blooms resulting from agricultural fertilizer and livestock byproduct runoff, cleantech companies in the field of chemistry would be useful in devising solutions to address these water pollution issues.

Introduction to Climate Tech

Distinguishing between cleantech and climate tech is a pertinent question considering the overlapping nature of these terms. While many ventures in climate tech could be categorized under cleantech, a nuanced difference has emerged. The cleantech sector, initially coined in the early 2000s, broadly encompasses technologies enhancing environmental sustainability across various domains.

However, with the fallout experienced during the “cleantech crash” from 2006 to 2014, there has been a shift in terminology. Start-ups, investors, and incubators in the cleantech space have increasingly adopted the phrase “climate tech” to differentiate newer environmental initiatives from the earlier generation of cleantech companies. This linguistic evolution has become more than a matter of semantics; it reflects a recalibration of focus within the sustainability sector.

Several influential entities have embraced the term “climate tech,” signaling a shift in messaging and industry orientation. Notable examples include Climate Tech VC, a newsletter tracking developments in the climate tech space, and accelerators like Greentown Labs and For Climate Tech, framing their initiatives specifically as “climate tech.”

The distinction becomes clearer when examining specific examples. Wastewater treatment systems, while falling under the umbrella of cleantech, may not be considered climate tech because they lack a direct link to reducing CO2 emissions. The lines between the two, however, can be blurred, as most climate tech innovations also fall within the broader scope of cleantech.

Understanding the history of investment in the cleantech space provides context for the rise of climate tech. The cleantech crash prompted skepticism, but recent years have seen a resurgence, buoyed by renewed investor interest. The emergence of climate policy, highlighted by the Paris Agreement, has provided a clear framework, contributing to the renewed optimism in the sector.

Focus and Impact: Cleantech vs. Climate Tech

While cleantech encompasses a broad array of environmental solutions, climate tech explicitly hones in on mitigating greenhouse gas emissions, a major driver of climate change. This specificity extends beyond carbon accounting to address broader complexities associated with climate change, including carbon sequestration, green hydrogen fuel, and virtual power plants.

The terminology matters, especially for venture capital firms that experienced setbacks during Cleantech 1.0. “Climate tech” sheds the residue of past financial losses and, as a term, has gained momentum since its inception. The increasing use of “climate tech” in various forums, podcasts, and accelerators reflects a growing trend that goes beyond mere rebranding.

The evolving conversation around climate tech is not just a linguistic shift; it signifies a broader shift in focus and priorities within the sustainability sector. As we navigate the complexities of climate change, the distinct missions of climate tech and cleantech, akin to siblings with shared interests but different objectives, become increasingly apparent. The terms may be used interchangeably, but their nuances offer insight into the evolving landscape of environmental innovation.

A Window of Opportunity for Investors

Looking ahead, climate tech is poised to become more prevalent, reflecting a heightened awareness of climate change challenges. With an increasing number of Americans alarmed by climate change and global decision-makers acknowledging the urgency for climate action, climate tech’s ascent is likely to continue. Investors, recognizing the need for decarbonization, are showing a keen interest in climate tech, which, as a newly coined term, carries less historical baggage than its predecessor, cleantech. This provides an opportunity for early investors and entrepreneurs to contribute to solutions addressing one of the most significant challenges of our time.


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