CheckCarbonFact Sustainability Policy

This sustainability policy guides the strategic direction and operations of our organisation.

Alignment with our purpose and vision

At CheckCarbonFact, our sustainability policy is aligned with our vision, which is a world where today’s actions inspire a green, serene, and resource-secure tomorrow for future generations.

Being a social accountability organisation with a mission to foster the adoption of sustainability practices and inclusive and equitable climate action by everybody everywhere, our services easily fit into our desire to eliminate our carbon footprint and record significant carbon handprints.

Our global outlook

At CheckCarbonFact, we have our antennae on relevant developments on the world stage that impact the trajectory of sustainability and climate action. However, we keep our compass focused on globally established benchmarks and best practices set by science and the international policy apparatus. Accordingly, we have identified the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the Global Compact as anchors for our strategic goal and objectives. Specifically, our sustainability policy mirrors the core components of the UN Global Compact – Human Rights, Labour, Environment, and Anti-Corruption – and the following SDGs:

SDG 1: No poverty

SDG 5: Gender equality

SDG 7: Affordable and clean energy

SDG 8: Decent work and economic growth

SDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure

SDG 10: Reduced inequalities

SDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities

SDG 12: Responsible consumption and production

SDG 13: Climate action

SDG 17: Partnership for the goals

 Our Strategic Goal

At CheckCarbonFact, our strategic goal is to achieve net zero and expand our carbon handprints across the UK and beyond by supporting businesses, from micro-enterprises to multinational corporations, in developing and implementing sustainability and relevant climate action policies. This is based on our belief that when businesses engage in sustainability, it enhances the chances of meeting the UK’s commitment to reduce emissions by 78% in 2035.

Our Strategic Objectives

Drawing from our strategic goal, we are committed to achieving the following six broad objectives and cascading them into the work we do with clients and our relationship with stakeholders:

  1. Inclusive leadership and accountable decision-making – We are committed to inclusivity and equal opportunity in leadership and devolved but accountable decision-making in management.
  2. A motivated and sufficiently trained workforce – We believe that our employees, subcontractors and vendors must be sufficiently capacitated and motivated with decent wages and growth opportunities while providing a safe and healthy workplace that emphasises wellbeing and wellness.
  3. Innovation and industry – We believe the whole-of-economy approach that the transformations climate change has brought about prioritises adopting and flourishing new technologies.
  4. Economic viability and financial sustainability – We are committed to ensuring that the business delivers value to shareholders ethically and does not compromise a healthy and viable economy for others to thrive.
  5. Social capital – We believe businesses succeed when communities impacted by the supply chain are protected from abuse and social disruptions and provided with opportunities for sustainable living.
  6. Environmental stewardship – We are committed to a net zero planet in line with the Paris Agreement and transparently working to eliminate our carbon footprints while seeking to increase our handprints exponentially.

Our 10 SMART targets

Our strategic objectives are broken into 10 SMART targets that guide our operations and organisational growth. These are:

  • Gender Equity and Inclusion in leadership and management decision-making
  • Equal opportunity for employee growth and development
  • Sustainable travel
  • Use of virtual meetings where possible
  • Mandatory repair, reuse and recycling where possible
  • Prioritise energy efficiency in procurement and in the work environment
  • Create and encourage technological innovations
  • Green, safe and happy communities that freely offer license-to-operate
  • Continually decarbonised supply chains
  • To secure the highest-level industry accreditation

Our transparency and accountability statement

CheckCarbonFact is committed to transparent reporting and communication of our sustainability efforts and we hereby invite stakeholders to hold us continually accountable to this policy.

Oke Epia

Founder/Chief Executive

February 2024

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